Thursday, 7 September 2017

5 Dangerous Diseases You Can Contact During Sex, Regardless of Condom Use.

When it comes to diseases that are transmitted through skin, the condom will not work. Therefore, if you are sexually active, it is Better to Hold till you get Married Or is important to regularly do tests, even if you practice safe sex! Some STD’s have serious health consequences if left untreated.

These are the most common diseases that you can get infected even with using a condom. Is not a Surprise & New thing. STAY SAFE

  1.Genital Herpes

If the wound of the herpes is located in the groin or the part not covered by a condom, it may cause transmission of herpes through that unprotected wound. Doctors recommend abstinence when you have a visible outbreak of herpes (herpes is easily transferred), but you should know that herpes can be transmitted even when there are no visible symptoms.
Condom is not sufficient protection nor with herpes type 2 – genital herpes, nor with herpes type 1 – oral herpes. which is recently discovered that it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Depending on the stage of the disease, herpes may be less (when no visible symptoms) or more infected (with visible bubbles on the skin). Also genital herpes can cause vaginal pain.

    2. HPV

HPV is the most common STI; there are over 100 strains of the virus. Some strains of HPV go unnoticed and seem to cause no symptoms at all, while others can cause genital warts or various cancers. Because genital warts can be on parts of the genitals that are not covered by a condom, especially female condoms, HPV can be spread via skin-to-skin contact. What’s worse– there is no male STD test for HPV and many cases show no symptoms, so it is often passed on unknowingly to partners.

  3. Syphilis

Yes, syphilis is still around. Syphilis is a highly contagious bacterial infection that spreads through sexual contact, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex. Syphilis sores occur at the infection site, and can be contracted by a partner via skin-to-skin contacts regardless of using condom.

  4. Human Papillomavirus

Human Papillomavirus is one of the most common STDs out there. As of 2013, there were 79 million reported cases of it in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). What makes it so common? It isn’t passed through fluids like more severe STDs, but rather just through skin-on-skin contact. There are thousands of strains of the virus, some are mild and never manifest themselves, some cause warts, and some can cause cancer.

   5. Public Lice/Crabs

Pubic lice, also known as crabs, are Pthirus pubis that infect the genitals. These lice are most common among teens and are typically spread during sexual, skin-to-skin contact. Pubic lice can live among public hair and can be spread whether or not a condom is used.

            HOW CAN I STAY SAFE??

 The easiest way to protect yourself is to know if your partner is tested, and if he had other partners since he have been tested,  and what his / her relationships were in the past.
Also, if you reduce the number of sexual partners it reduces the chances to get infected with a sexually-transmitted diseases.
To reduce the number of possible breaks in the skin, use a lubricant, it will reduce friction, which can also reduce the direct contact between the skin.
Always keep protection with you  OR even stay away from it and wait till you get Married In other not to Regret Later.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Important: Things We Don't Know it Affects The Life As a Youths/Adults/Teens.

Here Are The Major Thing That Affect Life
 Of The Children/Youths and Married This Days

  1. Technology's Negative effects

Technology causes people to suffer from mental and emotional disturbances, such as anxiety, phobias and delusions, which are all symptoms of neurosis
. Being convinced you’re very ill after looking up strange diseases on WebMD or thinking you are famous because you have had a viral video are a couple of ways technology neurosis manifests itself.
Loss of Hearing and Eyesight
Using headphones and ear buds can cause people to lose their hearing over time. Likewise, straining your eyes looking at computer and device screens can cause people to need glasses much earlier in life.
Be more mindful of the time you spend using technology. If you have longer conversations with Siri than you do with real people, it’s probably time to put the phone down. Force yourself to have an electronic-free day or weekend. When you go on vacation, don’t take your phone or at least put it on “do not disturb”. Creating balance will help you enjoy the benefits of technology without becoming a mindless internet zombie.

  2. Drug/Alcohol Abuse

  There was a time in cinematic history where virtually every actor/actress was portrayed on screen with a cigarette in hand. Smoking, it was implied, was cool. As a result everyone was doing it, including kids. Well, as awareness to the danger of smoking increased, “cool” images of smoking disappeared. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about drugs and alcohol. These vices are staples in everyday media. Simply, drinking and using drugs is shown as being cool.
The numbers bear the tale. 21% of high school seniors say they get high and 41% of the same group report drinking alcohol. Our kids are literally moving around in an intoxicated daze. Immature behavior is then amplified due to being under the influence. Drunk driving, poor grades and attendance, anti-social and violent behavior and the list goes on.

    3. Watching Porn/Sex Video and Images

Struthers elaborates,
  1. As men fall deeper into the mental habit of fixating on [pornographic images], the exposure to them creates neural pathways. Like a path is created in the woods with each successive hiker, so do the neural paths set the course for the next time an erotic image is viewed. Over time these neural paths become wider as they are repeatedly traveled with each exposure to pornography. They become the automatic pathway through which interactions with woman are routed….They have unknowingly created a neurological circuit that imprisons their ability to see women rightly as created in God’s image (Wired For Intimacy, 85).
In a similar vein regarding porn’s effect upon the brain, Naomi Wolf writes in her article, “The Porn Myth,”
  After all, pornography works in the most basic of ways on the brain: It is Pavlovian. An orgasm is one of the biggest reinforcer imaginable. If you associate orgasm with your wife, a kiss, a scent, a body, that is what, over time, will turn you on; if you open your focus to an endless stream of ever-more-transgressive images of cybersex slaves, that is what it will take to turn you on. The ubiquity of sexual images does not free erros but dilutes it. 

4. Unemployment

The study aimed at identifying the social and psychological effects resulted from unemployment on the youth in the Jordanian community from their own perspective and their future attitudes. In addition it aimed to identify the social roles of the youth which are affected by the different problems they are exposed to because of lack of chances of work which made them anxious, depressed and fear of doing any specific work and being unable to change their life track to the best The objectives of the study were achieved through the instrument of the study which was distributed on the sample of the study. It consisted of (50) unemployed persons. The effects of the unemployment were studied in different areas represented such effects on the social life and the psychological problems of the youth, in addition to such effects on the roles of the youth in the community the findings related to the effect of the unemployment on the social problem that face the youth indicated that the delay of marriage age is the most prominent social problem. As for the psychological problems, the findings showed that the hostility feeling is the worst feeling those persons have within their community especially when comparing themselves with those who work. Finally, as for the roles of the youth, the participants showed that the unemployment causes confusion and disability of doing their own roles in the future.

   5. Violence 

   A child’s education is the foundation from which he or she will be able to go forth out into the world and build a life. Schools play a major role in this endeavor, and therefore it is reasonable to expect that these places of learning would be safe havens for the children while they are preparing for adulthood. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
In many instances, especially in low income, urban settings, schools can be a war zone. We are not talking about minor bullying, but rather serious violence. Consider that in the last decade 284 kids were murdered due to school violence – these were shootings, stabbings, fighting and suicides. Growing up is tough enough without having to be worried about being killed while going to math class.

How To Control Anger:: 7 Steps You Can Control Your Anger



          When you’re angry, you might feel anywhere between a slight irritation to rage.
 Anger is not good for you, is not you, Is always against you. Anger has done many things to people try and control it. follow these few steps it will help

       1. Take a Deep and Continuous Breath 

When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or stopping your angry thoughts. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax" or "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply until the anger subsides.

      2. Don't hold a grudge

     Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive  feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone who angered you, you might both learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship      

     3. Look For possible solutions

Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Does your child's messy room drive you crazy? Close the door. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening — or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything and might only make it worse.

    4. Think before you speak

In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything — and allow others involved in the situation to do the same.

   5. Expand your view

  Sometimes you might become angry because you see only one aspect of the issue​—the part that affects you. Try to consider the other side of the story. “Even when people are downright rude  

    6. Self-control 

   is all about thinking before you act. It puts some precious seconds or minutes between feeling a strong emotion and taking an action you'll regret.
Together, self-awareness and self-control allow you to have more choice about how to act when you're feeling an intense emotion like anger.

     7. Your Values

  What is the most significant thing in your life? Who are the most important people in your life? What kind of person do you want to be? Think and accept that point that you are living your life, and you are living your values. There is a good man inside you that wants to help you. I wish you good luck.


Friday, 1 September 2017

Reasons You Should Drink Water First Very In The Morning.


If you drink lots of water during the day, you’re off to a great start! Water plays an important role in the proper functioning of your body, and staying hydrated is important, but drinking a big glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning has its own perks!

1. It Will Re-hydrate You

After seven or eight hours of sleep, your body becomes dehydrated. Drinking water upon waking helps increase the flow of oxygen, and aids in the production of muscle and blood cells.

2. It Will Jumpstart Your Metabolism

Drinking at least one large glass of water in the morning – about 16 oz of cold water – can boost your body’s metabolism by about 24%, which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight.

3. Water Helps Your Body Flush Out Toxins

When you drink water in the morning before eating, you help to purify your colon, allowing nutrients to be absorbed more easily. Your kidneys also function better when you’re getting enough fluids.

4. Your Brain Tissue is 76% Water

When you’re dehydrated, your brain is operating on low fuel. This can cause you to feel tired, drained, may lead to headaches, and you may even experience mood fluctuations.

5. You’ll Stay Full Longer

Water helps to fill your stomach. Drinking a big glass of water in the morning, and before meals, can help you to eat less, and avoid over-eating. Drinking water in the morning before breakfast will leave you feeling full until lunch, and help you to avoid mid-day snacking.

Here’s how to drink water in the morning, to get the best results: Drink 1.5 liters (5 or 6 glasses) of water immediately after waking up. Avoid eating or drinking anything else for about an hour after drinking water. Of course, alcohol dehydrates the body, so it’s best to avoid alcoholic drinks before you go to bed.
Human beings are comprised of 72% water, so making sure to get your recommended daily intake of the liquid makes sense! Here’s a more precise breakdown of the water in your body:
  • Your muscles are 75% water
  • Your blood is 82% water
  • Your lungs are 90% water
  • Your brain is 76% water
  • Your bones are 25% water
You can see why staying hydrated is so important to keep your body healthy, energized and running properly. The risks of dehydration can be extremely serious. Your body depends on water to survive! Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to work correctly, so if you aren’t drinking enough, make H2O your new best friend. If you find the taste too bland, add some lemon! 

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